students stretching


sports expo logo

Register for the 5k or tournament online by credit card or fill out the registration form with cash/check to your middle school or high school office.

The Rohnert Park Middle School Sports Expo is coming soon!
Mark your calendar for Saturday 2/29: 9:30am-12:30pm at the RCHS TAG building. The LJMS vs TMS Sports Expo is a fundraiser for the middle school sports programs.
There will be an all ages 5k run/walk, a co-ed basketball and a co-ed volleyball tournament. Middle school students, high school students, and adults can form teams of 6-8 players to compete in the tournament. Teams will play against other teams in their age division. Individuals and families can sign up for the 5k.

Come watch, cheer, or participate at this exposition of athleticism, sportsmanship, and lifelong fitness, as we raise money together for the middle school sports program.

We need volunteers to work the event and donate items. If you can help, please visit our signup genius. There will be a snackbar, Kona Ice, spiritwear, and after the games a hotdog BBQ – registered participants receive a free lunch.

Do you own a business? Would you like to have a table at the event in the TAG building lobby to promote your business? Sponsor a table by clicking on the link below.

Go to the PTSA website for more information!

THANK YOU to these FABULOUS sponsors!

Kuk Sool Won logo

Our competitive after-school athletic program includes:

  • Girls Basketball
  • Boys Basketball
  • Girls Volleyball
  • Cross Country (coed) 6th, 7th & 8th
  • Wrestling (coed) 6th, 7th & 8th
  • Track (coed) 6th, 7th & 8th
  • Boys Flag Football
  • Girls Flag Football

Our lunchtime intramural program includes: